Monday, January 25, 2010

Islam in Europe. Getting back to the roots.

Islam is widely considered world’s fastest growing religion, with immigration and above average birth rates leading to a rapid increase in the Muslim population. The exact number of Muslims is difficult to establish but it is estimated 2b people are followers of Islam worldwide. However, in Eastern Europe has an average of 40-45% while the Western Europe is relatively low at 4.5% but the numbers are on the rise.
At the time when Islam seems to be advancing across Europe, we need to remind ourselves that in the minds of many Europeans, images of Islam are becoming increasingly limited to terrorism, permanent jihad, suicide bombers,… etc. The Muslims have a reason to be taking over Europe. According to Czech Cardinal Miloslav ‘the Muslims have a reason to be heading to Europe. They have a religious one- to bring the spiritual values of faith in God to a pagan environment in Europe, to its atheistic style of life’
Others accuse European Union of having diverted from the Christian principles on which it was found and getting secularized opening space to Islamization. The result of secularization -no crosses in school, no Presepe’s in schools! However, if the Christians are to wage war against Islam then there is need to get armed but with spiritual weapons otherwise, Europe will be Islamized totally in the next 10 years. Whining, raving and ranting and wishing away Islam is like peddling a fib, to say the least.
However, we cannot afford to equate Islam with violence or intolerance just like we do not condemn all priests if one messes around. There is urgent need to look into ways of mutual relations. Throwing brickbats at each other or taking hard line positions is no solution. It is not about brinkmanship but about relationship; not about jihad nor crusades, but about dialogue.
Mark you dialogue is not arrogance but about looking at things from the same view point. It is about walking halfway to meet the other. Fortunately, there has been some progress to this end but we are not yet there. The Pope has invited Muslim leaders to Vatican without restrictions, so it is about Muslim leaders allowing the Pope visit Mecca for example, or how about allowing Christians celebrate mass in public in countries where Muslims are majority just like the minority Muslims do in countries predominately Christian. Until this happens Islam remains intolerant, violent and irreligious.
A friend told me Islam borrows a lot from the locusts. As locusts swarm the thinking is that each has 99 eggs and only wished if they had the 100th one to lay waste the world. How do we prevent the hatching of the 100th egg? Practicing of faith! Europe needs to gather all her brood, re-read the riot act and demand a renewal. I imagine if all the baptized were to wake up and defend their heritage!. Don’t they say that if you want to go faster go alone but if you want to go far then you better walk with others.

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